
Whether the given symbols are the same symbol.

All this does is __traits(isSame, lhs, rhs), so most code shouldn't use it. It's intended to be used in conjunction with templates that take a template predicate - such as those in phobos.sys.meta.

The single-argument overload makes it so that it can be partially instantiated with the first argument, which will often be necessary with template predicates.

  1. eponymoustemplate isSameSymbol(alias lhs, alias rhs)
  2. template isSameSymbol(alias lhs)
    template isSameSymbol (
    alias lhs
    ) {}


int i;
int j;
real r;

static assert( isSameSymbol!(i, i));
static assert(!isSameSymbol!(i, j));
static assert(!isSameSymbol!(i, r));

static assert(!isSameSymbol!(j, i));
static assert( isSameSymbol!(j, j));
static assert(!isSameSymbol!(j, r));

static assert(!isSameSymbol!(r, i));
static assert(!isSameSymbol!(r, j));
static assert( isSameSymbol!(r, r));

auto foo() { return 0; }
auto bar() { return 0; }

static assert( isSameSymbol!(foo, foo));
static assert(!isSameSymbol!(foo, bar));
static assert(!isSameSymbol!(foo, i));

static assert(!isSameSymbol!(bar, foo));
static assert( isSameSymbol!(bar, bar));
static assert(!isSameSymbol!(bar, i));

// Types are symbols too. However, in most cases, they should be compared
// as types, not symbols (be it with is expressions or with isSameType),
// because the results aren't consistent between scalar types and
// user-defined types with regards to type qualifiers when they're compared
// as symbols.
static assert( isSameSymbol!(double, double));
static assert(!isSameSymbol!(double, const double));
static assert(!isSameSymbol!(double, int));
static assert( isSameSymbol!(Object, Object));
static assert( isSameSymbol!(Object, const Object));

static assert(!isSameSymbol!(i, int));
static assert( isSameSymbol!(typeof(i), int));

// Lambdas can be compared with __traits(isSame, ...),
// so they can be compared with isSameSymbol.
static assert( isSameSymbol!(a => a + 42, a => a + 42));
static assert(!isSameSymbol!(a => a + 42, a => a + 99));

// Partial instantiation allows it to be used with templates that expect
// a predicate that takes only a single argument.
import phobos.sys.meta : AliasSeq, indexOf;
alias Types = AliasSeq!(i, j, r, int, long, foo);
static assert(indexOf!(isSameSymbol!j, Types) == 1);
static assert(indexOf!(isSameSymbol!int, Types) == 3);
static assert(indexOf!(isSameSymbol!bar, Types) == -1);

See Also
