
HTTP/FTP put content.

Conn = AutoProtocol
T = char
const(char)[] url
const(PutUnit)[] putData
Conn conn = Conn()
if (
isCurlConn!Conn &&
is(T == char) ||
is(T == ubyte)


url const(char)[]

resource to put

putData const(PutUnit)[]

data to send as the body of the request. An array of an arbitrary type is accepted and will be cast to ubyte[] before sending it.

conn Conn

connection to use e.g. FTP or HTTP. The default AutoProtocol will guess connection type and create a new instance for this call only.

The template parameter T specifies the type to return. Possible values are char and ubyte to return char[] or ubyte[]. If asking for char, content will be converted from the connection character set (specified in HTTP response headers or FTP connection properties, both ISO-8859-1 by default) to UTF-8.

Return Value

Type: T[]

A T[] range containing the content of the resource pointed to by the URL.


import std.net.curl;
auto content = put("https://httpbin.org/put",
                     "Putting this data");

See Also
