
Assemble values into a range that carries all its elements in-situ.

Useful when a single value or multiple disconnected values must be passed to an algorithm expecting a range, without having to perform dynamic memory allocation.

As copying the range means copying all elements, it can be safely returned from functions. For the same reason, copying the returned range may be expensive for a large number of arguments.

  1. auto only(Values values)
    return scope Values values
    if (
    !is(CommonType!Values == void)
  2. auto only()


values Values

the values to assemble together

Return Value

Type: auto

A RandomAccessRange of the assembled values.

The returned range can be sliced. Its elements can be assigned to if every type in Values supports assignment from the range's element type.


import std.algorithm.comparison : equal;
import std.algorithm.iteration : filter, joiner, map;
import std.algorithm.searching : findSplitBefore;
import std.uni : isUpper;

assert(equal(only('♡'), "♡"));
assert([1, 2, 3, 4].findSplitBefore(only(3))[0] == [1, 2]);

assert(only("one", "two", "three").joiner(" ").equal("one two three"));

string title = "The D Programming Language";
    .filter!isUpper // take the upper case letters
    .map!only       // make each letter its own range
    .joiner(".")    // join the ranges together lazily

See Also

chain to chain ranges
