static struct Foo { ~this() pure nothrow @nogc { if (_ptr) ++*_ptr; } int* _ptr; } int[3] refs = [0, 1, 2]; Foo[3] src = [Foo(&refs[0]), Foo(&refs[1]), Foo(&refs[2])]; Foo[5] dst = void; auto tail = moveEmplaceAll(src[], dst[]); // move 3 value from src over dst assert(tail.length == 2); // returns remaining uninitialized values initializeAll(tail); import std.algorithm.searching : all; assert(src[].all!(e => e._ptr is null)); assert(dst[0 .. 3].all!(e => e._ptr !is null));
Similar to moveAll but assumes all elements in tgt are uninitialized. Uses moveEmplace to move elements from src over elements from tgt.