
Reduces the length of the bidirectional range range by removing elements that satisfy pred. If s = SwapStrategy.unstable, elements are moved from the right end of the range over the elements to eliminate. If s = SwapStrategy.stable (the default), elements are moved progressively to front such that their relative order is preserved. Returns the filtered range.


range Range

a bidirectional ranges with lvalue elements or mutable character arrays

Return Value

Type: Range

the range with all of the elements where pred is true removed


static immutable base = [1, 2, 3, 2, 4, 2, 5, 2];

int[] arr = base[].dup;

// using a string-based predicate
assert(remove!("a == 2")(arr) == [ 1, 3, 4, 5 ]);

// The original array contents have been modified,
// so we need to reset it to its original state.
// The length is unmodified however.
arr[] = base[];

// using a lambda predicate
assert(remove!(a => a == 2)(arr) == [ 1, 3, 4, 5 ]);
