The integral type to convert the first T.sizeof bytes to.
The endianness that the bytes are assumed to be in.
The range to read from.
ubyte[] buffer = [1, 5, 22, 9, 44, 255, 8]; assert(buffer.peek!uint() == 17110537); assert(buffer.peek!ushort() == 261); assert(buffer.peek!ubyte() == 1); assert(buffer.peek!uint(2) == 369700095); assert(buffer.peek!ushort(2) == 5641); assert(buffer.peek!ubyte(2) == 22); size_t index = 0; assert(buffer.peek!ushort(&index) == 261); assert(index == 2); assert(buffer.peek!uint(&index) == 369700095); assert(index == 6); assert(buffer.peek!ubyte(&index) == 8); assert(index == 7);
import std.algorithm.iteration : filter; ubyte[] buffer = [1, 5, 22, 9, 44, 255, 7]; auto range = filter!"true"(buffer); assert(range.peek!uint() == 17110537); assert(range.peek!ushort() == 261); assert(range.peek!ubyte() == 1);
Takes a range of ubytes and converts the first T.sizeof bytes to T. The value returned is converted from the given endianness to the native endianness. The range is not consumed.