Constructor for JSONValue. If arg is a JSONValue its value and type will be copied to the new JSONValue. Note that this is a shallow copy: if type is JSONType.object or JSONType.array then only the reference to the data will be copied. Otherwise, arg must be implicitly convertible to one of the following types: typeof(null), string, ulong, long, double, an associative array V[K] for any V and K i.e. a JSON object, any array or bool. The type will be set accordingly.
Implements the foreach opApply interface for json arrays.
Implements the foreach opApply interface for json objects.
Provides support for the in operator.
Compare two JSONValues for equality
Array syntax for JSON arrays.
Hash syntax for JSON objects.
Provides support for index assignments, which sets the corresponding value of the JSON object's key field to value.
Implicitly calls toJSON on this JSONValue, like toString, but also passes true as pretty argument.
Implicitly calls toJSON on this JSONValue.
An enum value that can be used to obtain a JSONValue representing an empty JSON array.
An enum value that can be used to obtain a JSONValue representing an empty JSON object.
An enum value that can be used to obtain a JSONValue representing an empty JSON object. Unlike emptyObject, the order of inserted keys is preserved.
Value getter/setter for JSONType.array.
Value getter for JSONType.array. Unlike array, this retrieves the array by value and can be used in @safe code.
Value getter/setter for boolean stored in JSON.
Value getter/setter for JSONType.float_. Note that despite the name, this is a 64-bit double, not a 32-bit float.
A convenience getter that returns this JSONValue as the specified D type. Note: Only numeric types, bool, string, JSONValue[string], and JSONValue[] types are accepted
Value getter/setter for JSONType.integer.
Test whether the type is JSONType.null_
Returns true if the order of keys of the represented object is being preserved.
Value getter/setter for unordered JSONType.object.
Value getter for unordered JSONType.object. Unlike object, this retrieves the object by value and can be used in @safe code.
Value getter/setter for ordered JSONType.object.
Value getter for ordered JSONType.object. Unlike orderedObject, this retrieves the object by value and can be used in @safe code.
Value getter/setter for JSONType.string.
Returns the JSONType of the value stored in this structure.
Value getter/setter for JSONType.uinteger.
JSON value node