
Get various timings defined in etc.c.curl.CurlInfo. The value is usable only if the return value is equal to etc.c.curl.CurlError.ok.

struct FTP
ref double val


timing CurlInfo

one of the timings defined in etc.c.curl.CurlInfo. The values are: etc.c.curl.CurlInfo.namelookup_time, etc.c.curl.CurlInfo.connect_time, etc.c.curl.CurlInfo.pretransfer_time, etc.c.curl.CurlInfo.starttransfer_time, etc.c.curl.CurlInfo.redirect_time, etc.c.curl.CurlInfo.appconnect_time, etc.c.curl.CurlInfo.total_time.

val double

the actual value of the inquired timing.

Return Value

Type: CurlCode

The return code of the operation. The value stored in val should be used only if the return value is etc.c.curl.CurlInfo.ok.


import std.net.curl;
import etc.c.curl : CurlError, CurlInfo;

auto client = FTP();
client.addCommand("RNFR my_file.txt");
client.addCommand("RNTO my_renamed_file.txt");
upload("my_file.txt", "ftp.digitalmars.com", client);

double val;
CurlCode code;

code = client.getTiming(CurlInfo.namelookup_time, val);
assert(code == CurlError.ok);
