Produce a grayscale image of the Mandelbrot set in binary Netpbm format to standard output.
import std.algorithm, std.complex, std.range, std.stdio; void main() { enum size = 500; writef("P5\n%d %d %d\n", size, size, ubyte.max); iota(-1, 3, 2.0/size).map!(y => iota(-1.5, 0.5, 2.0/size).map!(x => cast(ubyte)(1+ recurrence!((a, n) => x + y * complex(0, 1) + a[n-1]^^2)(complex(0)) .take(ubyte.max) .countUntil!(z =>^^2 +^^2 > 4)) ) ) .copy(stdout.lockingBinaryWriter); }
Returns an output range that locks the file and allows fast writing to it.