The name of the value. If the value represents a default value of a key, which has no name, the returned string will be of zero length.
The type of value.
Obtains the value as a binary blob.
Obtains the current value as a 32-bit unsigned integer, ordered correctly according to the current architecture.
Obtains the current value as a string, within which any environment variables have undergone expansion. This function works with the same value-types as value_SZ.
Obtains the current value as an array of strings.
Obtains the value as a 64-bit unsigned integer, ordered correctly according to the current architecture.
Obtains the current value of the value as a string. If the value's type is REG_EXPAND_SZ the returned value is <b>not</b> expanded; value_EXPAND_SZ should be called
This class represents a value of a registry key.