Exception containing the row and column for when an exception was thrown.
Exception thrown under different conditions based on the type of Contents.
Exception thrown when a Token is identified to not be completed: a quote is found in an unquoted field, data continues after a closing quote, or the quoted field was not closed before data was empty.
* Determines the behavior for when an error is detected. * * Disabling exception will follow these rules: *
Lower level control over parsing CSV
Returns an input range for iterating over records found in input.
Returns an input range for iterating over records found in input.
import std.algorithm; import std.array; import std.csv; import std.stdio; import std.typecons; void main() { auto text = "Joe,Carpenter,300000\nFred,Blacksmith,400000\r\n"; foreach (record; csvReader!(Tuple!(string, string, int))(text)) { writefln("%s works as a %s and earns $%d per year", record[0], record[1], record[2]); } // To read the same string from the file "filename.csv": auto file = File("filename.csv", "r"); foreach (record; file.byLine.joiner("\n").csvReader!(Tuple!(string, string, int))) { writefln("%s works as a %s and earns $%d per year", record[0], record[1], record[2]); } } }
When an input contains a header the Contents can be specified as an associative array. Passing null to signify that a header is present.
auto text = "Name,Occupation,Salary\r" ~ "Joe,Carpenter,300000\nFred,Blacksmith,400000\r\n"; foreach (record; csvReader!(string[string]) (text, null)) { writefln("%s works as a %s and earns $%s per year.", record["Name"], record["Occupation"], record["Salary"]); } // To read the same string from the file "filename.csv": auto file = File("filename.csv", "r"); foreach (record; csvReader!(string[string]) (file.byLine.joiner("\n"), null)) { writefln("%s works as a %s and earns $%s per year.", record["Name"], record["Occupation"], record["Salary"]); }
This module allows content to be iterated by record stored in a struct, class, associative array, or as a range of fields. Upon detection of an error an CSVException is thrown (can be disabled). csvNextToken has been made public to allow for attempted recovery.
Disabling exceptions will lift many restrictions specified above. A quote can appear in a field if the field was not quoted. If in a quoted field any quote by itself, not at the end of a field, will end processing for that field. The field is ended when there is no input, even if the quote was not closed.
Copyright 2011
Implements functionality to read Comma Separated Values and its variants from an input range of dchar.
Comma Separated Values provide a simple means to transfer and store tabular data. It has been common for programs to use their own variant of the CSV format. This parser will loosely follow the RFC-4180. CSV input should adhere to the following criteria (differences from RFC-4180 in parentheses):