The recommended default type for set of $(CODEPOINTS). For details, see the current implementation: InversionList.
Shorthand aliases for character decomposition type, passed as a template parameter to decompose.
Enumeration type for normalization forms, passed as template parameter for functions like normalize.
Unicode character decomposition type.
Test if M is an UTF Matcher for ranges of Char.
Tests if dchar ch is always allowed (Quick_Check=YES) in normalization form norm.
Capitalize an input range or string, meaning convert the first character to upper case and subsequent characters to lower case.
Convert an input range or a string to upper or lower case.
Lazily transform a range of Graphemes to a range of code points.
Iterate a string by Grapheme.
Returns the combining class of ch.
Try to canonically compose 2 $(CHARACTERS). Returns the composed $(CHARACTER) if they do compose and dchar.init otherwise.
Try to compose hangul syllable out of a leading consonant (lead), a vowel and optional trailing consonant jamos.
Reads one full grapheme cluster from an input range of dchar inp.
Returns a full Canonical (by default) or Compatibility decomposition of $(CHARACTER) ch. If no decomposition is available returns a Grapheme with the ch itself.
Decomposes a Hangul syllable. If ch is not a composed syllable then this function returns Grapheme containing only ch as is.
Computes the length of grapheme cluster starting at index. Both the resulting length and the index are measured in code units.
Does case insensitive comparison of r1 and r2. Follows the rules of full case-folding mapping. This includes matching as equal german ß with "ss" and other 1:M $(CODEPOINT) mappings unlike sicmp. The cost of icmp being pedantically correct is slightly worse performance.
Returns whether c is a Unicode alphabetic $(CHARACTER) (general Unicode category: Alphabetic).
Returns whether c is a Unicode alphabetic $(CHARACTER) or number. (general Unicode category: Alphabetic, Nd, Nl, No).
Returns whether c is a Unicode control $(CHARACTER) (general Unicode category: Cc).
Returns whether c is a Unicode formatting $(CHARACTER) (general Unicode category: Cf).
Returns whether c is a Unicode graphical $(CHARACTER) (general Unicode category: L, M, N, P, S, Zs).
Return whether c is a Unicode lowercase $(CHARACTER).
Returns whether c is a Unicode mark (general Unicode category: Mn, Me, Mc).
Returns whether c is a Unicode non-character i.e. a $(CODEPOINT) with no assigned abstract character. (general Unicode category: Cn)
Returns whether c is a Unicode numerical $(CHARACTER) (general Unicode category: Nd, Nl, No).
Returns whether c is a Unicode Private Use $(CODEPOINT) (general Unicode category: Co).
Returns whether c is a Unicode punctuation $(CHARACTER) (general Unicode category: Pd, Ps, Pe, Pc, Po, Pi, Pf).
Returns whether c is a Unicode space $(CHARACTER) (general Unicode category: Zs) Note: This doesn't include '\n', '\r', \t' and other non-space $(CHARACTER). For commonly used less strict semantics see isWhite.
Returns whether c is a Unicode surrogate $(CODEPOINT) (general Unicode category: Cs).
Returns whether c is a Unicode high surrogate (lead surrogate).
Returns whether c is a Unicode low surrogate (trail surrogate).
Returns whether c is a Unicode symbol $(CHARACTER) (general Unicode category: Sm, Sc, Sk, So).
Return whether c is a Unicode uppercase $(CHARACTER).
Whether or not c is a Unicode whitespace $(CHARACTER). (general Unicode category: Part of C0(tab, vertical tab, form feed, carriage return, and linefeed characters), Zs, Zl, Zp, and NEL(U+0085))
Returns input string normalized to the chosen form. Form C is used by default.
Reads one full grapheme cluster from an input range of dchar inp, but doesn't return it. Instead returns the number of code units read. This differs from number of code points read only if input is an autodecodable string.
Does basic case-insensitive comparison of r1 and r2. This function uses simpler comparison rule thus achieving better performance than icmp. However keep in mind the warning below.
Builds a Trie with typically optimal speed-size trade-off and wraps it into a delegate of the following type: bool delegate(dchar ch).
If c is a Unicode uppercase $(CHARACTER), then its lowercase equivalent is returned. Otherwise c is returned.
Creates a new array which is identical to s except that all of its characters are converted to lowercase (by performing Unicode lowercase mapping). If none of s characters were affected, then s itself is returned if s is a string-like type.
Converts s to lowercase (by performing Unicode lowercase mapping) in place. For a few characters string length may increase after the transformation, in such a case the function reallocates exactly once. If s does not have any uppercase characters, then s is unaltered.
Convenience function to construct optimal configurations for packed Trie from any set of $(CODEPOINTS).
If c is a Unicode lowercase $(CHARACTER), then its uppercase equivalent is returned. Otherwise c is returned.
Allocates a new array which is identical to s except that all of its characters are converted to uppercase (by performing Unicode uppercase mapping). If none of s characters were affected, then s itself is returned if s is a string-like type.
Converts s to uppercase (by performing Unicode uppercase mapping) in place. For a few characters string length may increase after the transformation, in such a case the function reallocates exactly once. If s does not have any lowercase characters, then s is unaltered.
Constructs a matcher object to classify $(CODEPOINTS) from the set for encoding that has Char as code unit.
The recommended type of std._typecons.Tuple to represent [a, b) intervals of $(CODEPOINTS). As used in InversionList. Any interval type should pass isIntegralPair trait.
A structure designed to effectively pack $(CHARACTERS) of a $(CLUSTER).
InversionList is a set of $(CODEPOINTS) represented as an array of open-right [a, b) intervals (see CodepointInterval above). The name comes from the way the representation reads left to right. For instance a set of all values [10, 50), [80, 90), plus a singular value 60 looks like this:
Conceptual type that outlines the common properties of all UTF Matchers.
A single entry point to lookup Unicode $(CODEPOINT) sets by name or alias of a block, script or general category.
Type of Trie generated by codepointSetTrie function.
A slightly more general tool for building fixed Trie for the Unicode data.
A shorthand for creating a custom multi-level fixed Trie from a CodepointSet. sizes are numbers of bits per level, with the most significant bits used first.
A slightly more general tool for building fixed Trie for the Unicode data.
Tests if T is some kind a set of code points. Intended for template constraints.
Tests if T is a pair of integers that implicitly convert to V. The following code must compile for any pair T:
Constant $(CODEPOINT) (0x2028) - line separator.
Constant $(CODEPOINT) (0x0085) - next line.
Constant $(CODEPOINT) (0x2029) - paragraph separator.
Copyright 2013 -
The std.uni module provides an implementation of fundamental Unicode algorithms and data structures. This doesn't include UTF encoding and decoding primitives, see std._utf.decode and std._utf.encode in std.utf for this functionality.
All primitives listed operate on Unicode characters and sets of characters. For functions which operate on ASCII characters and ignore Unicode $(S_LINK Character, characters) , see std.ascii. For definitions of Unicode $(S_LINK Character, character) , $(S_LINK Code point, code point) and other terms used throughout this module see the terminology section below.
The focus of this module is the core needs of developing Unicode-aware applications. To that effect it provides the following optimized primitives:
It's recognized that an application may need further enhancements and extensions, such as less commonly known algorithms, or tailoring existing ones for region specific needs. To help users with building any extra functionality beyond the core primitives, the module provides:
The following is a list of important Unicode notions and definitions. Any conventions used specifically in this module alone are marked as such. The descriptions are based on the formal definition as found in chapter three of The Unicode Standard Core Specification.
A unit of information used for the organization, control, or representation of textual data. Note that:
The decomposition of a character or character sequence that results from recursively applying the canonical mappings found in the Unicode Character Database and these described in Conjoining Jamo Behavior (section 12 of Unicode Conformance).
The precise definition of the Canonical composition is the algorithm as specified in Unicode Conformance section 11. Informally it's the process that does the reverse of the canonical decomposition with the addition of certain rules that e.g. prevent legacy characters from appearing in the composed result.
Two character sequences are said to be canonical equivalents if their full canonical decompositions are identical.
Typically differs by context. For the purpose of this documentation the term character implies encoded character, that is, a code point having an assigned abstract character (a symbolic meaning).
Any value in the Unicode codespace; that is, the range of integers from 0 to 10FFFF (hex). Not all code points are assigned to encoded characters.
The minimal bit combination that can represent a unit of encoded text for processing or interchange. Depending on the encoding this could be: 8-bit code units in the UTF-8 (char), 16-bit code units in the UTF-16 (wchar), and 32-bit code units in the UTF-32 (dchar). Note that in UTF-32, a code unit is a code point and is represented by the D dchar type.
A character with the General Category of Combining Mark(M).
A numerical value used by the Unicode Canonical Ordering Algorithm to determine which sequences of combining marks are to be considered canonically equivalent and which are not.
The decomposition of a character or character sequence that results from recursively applying both the compatibility mappings and the canonical mappings found in the Unicode Character Database, and those described in Conjoining Jamo Behavior no characters can be further decomposed.
Two character sequences are said to be compatibility equivalents if their full compatibility decompositions are identical.
An association (or mapping) between an abstract character and a code point.
The actual, concrete image of a glyph representation having been rasterized or otherwise imaged onto some display surface.
A character with the property Grapheme_Base, or any standard Korean syllable block.
Defined as the text between grapheme boundaries as specified by Unicode Standard Annex #29, Unicode text segmentation. Important general properties of a grapheme:
A combining character with the General Category of Nonspacing Mark (Mn) or Enclosing Mark (Me).
A combining character that is not a nonspacing mark.
The concepts of canonical equivalent or compatibility equivalent characters in the Unicode Standard make it necessary to have a full, formal definition of equivalence for Unicode strings. String equivalence is determined by a process called normalization, whereby strings are converted into forms which are compared directly for identity. This is the primary goal of the normalization process, see the function normalize to convert into any of the four defined forms.
A very important attribute of the Unicode Normalization Forms is that they must remain stable between versions of the Unicode Standard. A Unicode string normalized to a particular Unicode Normalization Form in one version of the standard is guaranteed to remain in that Normalization Form for implementations of future versions of the standard.
The Unicode Standard specifies four normalization forms. Informally, two of these forms are defined by maximal decomposition of equivalent sequences, and two of these forms are defined by maximal composition of equivalent sequences.
The choice of the normalization form depends on the particular use case. NFC is the best form for general text, since it's more compatible with strings converted from legacy encodings. NFKC is the preferred form for identifiers, especially where there are security concerns. NFD and NFKD are the most useful for internal processing.
Construction of lookup tables
The Unicode standard describes a set of algorithms that depend on having the ability to quickly look up various properties of a code point. Given the codespace of about 1 million $(S_LINK Code point, code points) , it is not a trivial task to provide a space-efficient solution for the multitude of properties.
Common approaches such as hash-tables or binary search over sorted code point intervals (as in InversionList) are insufficient. Hash-tables have enormous memory footprint and binary search over intervals is not fast enough for some heavy-duty algorithms.
The recommended solution (see Unicode Implementation Guidelines) is using multi-stage tables that are an implementation of the Trie data structure with integer keys and a fixed number of stages. For the remainder of the section this will be called a fixed trie. The following describes a particular implementation that is aimed for the speed of access at the expense of ideal size savings.
Taking a 2-level Trie as an example the principle of operation is as follows. Split the number of bits in a key (code point, 21 bits) into 2 components (e.g. 15 and 8). The first is the number of bits in the index of the trie and the other is number of bits in each page of the trie. The layout of the trie is then an array of size 2^^bits-of-index followed an array of memory chunks of size 2^^bits-of-page/bits-per-element.
The number of pages is variable (but not less then 1) unlike the number of entries in the index. The slots of the index all have to contain a number of a page that is present. The lookup is then just a couple of operations - slice the upper bits, lookup an index for these, take a page at this index and use the lower bits as an offset within this page.
Where if elemsPerPage is a power of 2 the whole process is a handful of simple instructions and 2 array reads. Subsequent levels of the trie are introduced by recursing on this notion - the index array is treated as values. The number of bits in index is then again split into 2 parts, with pages over 'current-index' and the new 'upper-index'.
For completeness a level 1 trie is simply an array. The current implementation takes advantage of bit-packing values when the range is known to be limited in advance (such as bool). See also BitPacked for enforcing it manually. The major size advantage however comes from the fact that multiple identical pages on every level are merged by construction.
The process of constructing a trie is more involved and is hidden from the user in a form of the convenience functions codepointTrie, codepointSetTrie and the even more convenient toTrie. In general a set or built-in AA with dchar type can be turned into a trie. The trie object in this module is read-only (immutable); it's effectively frozen after construction.
Unicode properties
This is a full list of Unicode properties accessible through unicode with specific helpers per category nested within. Consult the CLDR utility when in doubt about the contents of a particular set.
General category sets listed below are only accessible with the unicode shorthand accessor.
Sets for other commonly useful properties that are accessible with unicode:
Below is the table with block names accepted by unicode.block. Note that the shorthand version unicode requires "In" to be prepended to the names of blocks so as to disambiguate scripts and blocks.
Below is the table with script names accepted by unicode.script and by the shorthand version unicode:
Below is the table of names accepted by unicode.hangulSyllableType.
References: ASCII Table, Wikipedia, The Unicode Consortium, Unicode normalization forms, Unicode text segmentation Unicode Implementation Guidelines Unicode Conformance Trademarks: Unicode(tm) is a trademark of Unicode, Inc.