Type of the object being created.
The allocator used for getting the needed memory. It may be an object implementing the static interface for allocators, or an IAllocator reference.
Optional arguments used for initializing the created object. If not present, the object is default constructed.
If T is a class type, returns a reference to the created T object. Otherwise, returns a T* pointing to the created object. In all cases, returns null if allocation failed.
If T's constructor throws, deallocates the allocated memory and propagates the exception.
// Dynamically allocate one integer const int* p1 = theAllocator.make!int; // It's implicitly initialized with its .init value assert(*p1 == 0); // Dynamically allocate one double, initialize to 42.5 const double* p2 = theAllocator.make!double(42.5); assert(*p2 == 42.5); // Dynamically allocate a struct static struct Point { int x, y, z; } // Use the generated constructor taking field values in order const Point* p = theAllocator.make!Point(1, 2); assert(p.x == 1 && p.y == 2 && p.z == 0); // Dynamically allocate a class object static class Customer { uint id = uint.max; this() {} this(uint id) { this.id = id; } // ... } Customer cust = theAllocator.make!Customer; assert(cust.id == uint.max); // default initialized cust = theAllocator.make!Customer(42); assert(cust.id == 42); // explicit passing of outer pointer static class Outer { int x = 3; class Inner { auto getX() { return x; } } } auto outer = theAllocator.make!Outer(); auto inner = theAllocator.make!(Outer.Inner)(outer); assert(outer.x == inner.getX);
Dynamically allocates (using alloc) and then creates in the memory allocated an object of type T, using args (if any) for its initialization. Initialization occurs in the memory allocated and is otherwise semantically the same as T(args). (Note that using alloc.make!(T[]) creates a pointer to an (empty) array of Ts, not an array. To use an allocator to allocate and initialize an array, use alloc.makeArray!T described below.)